Wandering Soul: Divine Echoes | The Review of Religions

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In the tapestry of life, Al Haadi leads the way,
With our trust in Ar-Razak, we commence the hunt for the day.
In each moment, Al Qadr’s plan takes flight,
Always guided by Al-Haadi’s light.
With the help of As-Sabur, we embrace the unknown,
And Al-Aleem’s wisdom in seeds we have sown.

With lengthy hours in sujood, our burdens and frustrations released,
Before Al-Ghafur, our cries never ceased.
Trusting in As-Samee, the One who hears our plea,
In that sacred moment, the soul feels free.

A glimpse of eternity, in Al Rahman’s grace,
Al Noor’s radiance in every trace.
A symphony of moments, Al Rahim’s love so pure,
In the melody with destiny, His mercy does endure.

In the footsteps of the Holy Prophet, a guiding light on Earth,
His example, a beacon of wisdom and worth.
Following his path, a melody true and bright,
In his teachings, finding guidance and light.

Time’s gentle melody, in Al Baseer’s sight,
In Allah’s guidance, our hearts unite.

Embracing life’s twists and turns, with faith so strong,
In Allah’s plan, we belong.

About the author: Abdul-Hadi Keelson is a private legal practitioner who writes during his leisure time. He currently serves as the Deputy General Secretary of Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahamdiyya, Ghana and is a volunteer of Review of Religions, Ghana.

#Wandering #Soul #Divine #Echoes #Review #Religions

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