Becoming Exemplars of Morality and Truth

Address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) at the Lajna Ima’illah UK National Ijtema 2024

*Please note that this transcript may not be reproduced without express permission either on other websites or in print format.

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said:

‘Alhamdulilah [All praise belongs to Allah], Lajna Ima’illah [Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association] UK is once again holding its National Ijtema. Similarly, today, we have with us Lajna Ima’illah Bangladesh, who are also holding their Ijtema.

Each year, various programmes and events are held to facilitate the religious, spiritual and moral training of the Lajna [members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association] and Nasirat [members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Girls’ Association], to increase their religious knowledge and encourage their physical and mental well-being. The primary objective is that each participant enhances their spiritual and physical state by learning and adopting the qualities and virtues required of a true Mu’minah [believing woman].

In today’s world, at every turn and corner, rampant materialism and worldliness are prevalent. Most people are engaged in material pursuits that they consider their be-all and end-all. Men, women, young and old alike are trapped in an endless cycle of materialism and an insatiable hunger for wealth. Thus, today, as Ahmadi Muslims, our greatest challenge is not only to protect ourselves from this worldly race but also to safeguard our future generations and to inspire our children towards forging an everlasting bond with Allah the Almighty.

Moreover, beyond guiding our loved ones, we have a duty to illuminate the path for the wider society by informing those within our reach that true salvation lies solely in recognising and submitting before one’s Creator. Indeed, this is an immense responsibility that rests heavily upon the shoulders of every Ahmadi man and woman.

Certainly, in today’s world, the fundamental cause of conflicts, whether within families, communities, or nations, is the growing distance between humanity and God Almighty. Money, power and pursuits of wealth have become the gods of this era. And to secure these false idols, worldly people have long exploited women in deceitful and degrading ways, reducing them to mere pawns for achieving their material objectives. For instance, intelligence agencies have a history of exploiting women, using them as bait to lure men into compromising situations. These debased tactics are used to extract state secrets and classified information and to forge secret deals through coercion.

Thus, those nations who claim to stand at the vanguard of women’s rights think nothing of demeaning women and using them to fulfil their financial and political interests. In such circumstances, it lies upon Ahmadi women to take a stand for genuine women’s rights by seeking to establish morality and virtue at every level of society. As I have already said, where an Ahmadi woman must protect herself and guide her children, she must always strive to save the wider society and future generations from spiritual ruin.

You may wonder how you, as individuals, can save the world. The answer lies in starting from your own home. Women undoubtedly play a pivotal role within their homes and have the power to shape the dynamics of their families. Their influence on their husbands, sons, brothers and other relatives enables them to act as catalysts for peace and harmony. Conversely, as wives, mothers, mothers-in-law or sisters-in-law, they also have the potential to be the enablers of cruelty and the cause of rifts within families. So, use your influence to cultivate love, peace and unity within your homes.

Similarly, in the wider society, use your voice, skills and capabilities to foster peace and harmony, rather than to ignite division or discord. With courage and pride, be an exemplar of morality and truth. In today’s world, the free intermixing of men and women without any degree of restraint or appropriateness has become normalised. Regrettably, this societal trend is also influencing some Ahmadi men and women, who, whether through naivety or deliberate disregard for their faith, are abandoning the protective shield of the hijab and are forming inappropriate friendships or contacts. Those involved may perceive such contact as innocent or harmless; however, such relationships can easily progress and lead to devastating outcomes. The result is that women trample upon the rights of other women by forming relationships with their husbands, and the resulting pain and suffering upon families is immeasurable.

Consequently, Allah the Almighty has deemed modesty the hallmark and symbol of a righteous and believing woman and a fundamental part of one’s faith. If a Muslim woman possesses this quality, the circumstances or possibility shall never arise in which they may engage in inappropriate contact with men. Thus, Ahmadi women and girls should always maintain appropriate boundaries with men so that their modesty and dignity are never compromised or questioned.

Due to Allah’s sheer grace, most Ahmadi women and girls comprehend the value of these Islamic principles. They recognise and proudly affirm the value of protecting their modesty and prioritising their faith and bond with Allah over all worldly matters. Nonetheless, the world is so immersed in immorality and vice that supreme caution and a constant effort are required to protect oneself. At all times, be mindful that attaining God’s grace and pleasure is the principal objective of a believer. Thus, every Ahmadi man and woman should strive to preserve their chastity at all costs. Your target should be to excel in righteousness and goodness purely for the sake of attaining God’s pleasure.

Further, it should not be that good habits and qualities come and go like the wind; rather, every virtue we adopt, whether linked to fulfilling the rights of the worship of Allah or serving humanity, should become a permanent feature of our lives. If our aspirations are noble, we shall, Insha’Allah [God willing], continually ascend the ladder of spiritual success and righteousness. Therefore, Lajna members must endeavour to reach the highest standards of spirituality and morality. Strive to increase your religious knowledge and understanding and remain constantly focused on the moral upbringing and futures of your children, ensuring that they learn the best morals and develop a sincere love for their faith.

Moreover, the hearts of every Lajna member should be restless and filled with profound sorrow observing how mankind is rapidly moving away from Allah the Almighty. Indeed, this should be a cause of desperate heartache for every Ahmadi, and we must strive to arrest this moral and spiritual decline. Thus, consider it your sacred duty to enlighten and convince others that true salvation lies solely in servitude and devotion to God Almighty.

Indeed, it was to establish morality and virtue and society that Allah the Almighty sent prophets to all parts of the world, culminating in the revelation of Islam’s supreme and universal teachings through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Then, in this era, through His grace and beneficence, Allah sent the Promised Messiah (as) as a guiding light for mankind. It is our immense fortune to have taken his Bai’at [oath of allegiance] through which we have solemnly vowed to forever prioritise our faith over all worldly affairs. This pledge binds us to strive tirelessly towards inculcating the highest spiritual and moral standards in ourselves and our future generations.

So, as Ahmadi women and girls, never forget that you have pledged to act righteously, to fulfil the rights of God and to fulfil the rights of mankind. You have vowed to adopt all forms of virtue and goodness. You have pledged to always hold fast to the truth. You have promised to train and guide your children, and you have pledged to be ready for every possible sacrifice for the sake of your faith. If you ponder upon these words, you will realise that these are not insignificant words to be taken lightly. To honour these sacred vows you have made with Allah the Almighty, you must dedicate yourselves wholeheartedly to serving Him and fulfilling the rights of His creation. Therefore, do not think the Lajna pledge you took a few minutes ago was offered as a mere formality or ritual. Instead, remember that God Almighty states that believers will be held accountable for their pledges by Him.

It is solely due to the grace and favours of Allah that you have all, irrespective of any difficulties or fatigue, journeyed from all over the country to attend this Ijtema, eager to listen to the words of Allah the Almighty and His Messenger. Masha’Allah [how great is God’s decree]. This is a testament to your desire to uphold your pledge to give precedence to your religion over all worldly affairs. Nevertheless, worldly desires can overcome a person at any moment and cause them to neglect their religious obligations. Thus, never forget what your core purpose is. If today, there exist women in the world who willingly and joyfully detach themselves from worldly pursuits for the sake of Allah and unite to collectively pursue spiritual growth and moral excellence; those women should undoubtedly be Ahmadi women.

And by the grace of Allah, instilled within many Ahmadi women all around the world is piety, sincerity and goodness. They abstain from evil and wrongdoing. They are firm in faith and possess religious knowledge. They are intelligent and serve the Jama’at and the wider society with sincerity and devotion. However, lurking in the shadows at all times, ready to pounce, lies Satan. He seeks to exploit any moment of weakness in order to sow division and divert people from the path of truth and morality.

So, your focus on attaining righteousness should not be limited to just the three days of the Ijtema or a few other occasions during the year. Instead, your journey towards spiritual and moral excellence is a lifelong pursuit, not a seasonal endeavour. Always seek those virtues that unlock the treasures of Allah’s grace and rewards. In this regard, in the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty has stipulated specific attributes and qualities that are the hallmark of a believing woman.

Firstly, Allah has said that the symbol of believing women is that they are fully obedient and loyal to Him and reject all forms of shirk – that is, associating partners with Allah. Indeed, shunning shirk in all of its manifestations is the bedrock of our faith. Yet sometimes, without realising it, a person becomes guilty of it. Thus, remain ever vigilant and actively guard yourselves against even the most subtle forms of shirk. For this, you must increase in the worship of Allah. You should reflect upon and understand Allah’s individual attributes and be regular in Zikr-e-Ilahi – the remembrance of Allah. By keeping Allah’s attributes firmly in mind, you will erect a spiritual shield against the various forms of shirk that can infiltrate a person’s heart and mind.

As I mentioned in my Friday Sermon a few weeks ago, you should spend as much time as possible engaged in Durood [prayer for sending salutations on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)] and Istighfar [prayer for seeking forgiveness]. It will protect you from the advances of Satan and will cause the love of Allah to coarse through your veins and inspire you to act on His commands. You will naturally focus on the worship of Allah and always remember Him. Furthermore, you will engrain within your children the fundamental importance of namaz – that is, Salat [prayer] – and its incomparable value.

Indeed, as I have repeatedly said, a principal duty placed upon Muslim women by Allah the Almighty is the moral and spiritual upbringing of their children. Undoubtedly, women play a pivotal role in the creation of a righteous and blessed society. Hence, every Ahmadi mother must consider it her primary duty to instil within her children and future generations this eternal value and blessings of forming an unbreakable bond with Allah the Almighty. Instil in them the paramount importance of their faith and religion so that they may grow to become the torchbearers of righteousness for the generations who follow. Therefore, whilst you should encourage your children to study and pursue academic excellence, you must also ensure that they gain religious knowledge and learn the teachings of their religion.

By collectively fulfilling your duties to your children, you will earn the noble distinction of safeguarding the future of your children and subsequently, a pure and righteous society will be nurtured. Due to your love and guidance, your children will, Insha’Allah, grow to serve Islam and, in turn, pass on its values to their own children. In this way, the fruits of your noble efforts shall extend across generations, Insha’Allah.

Furthermore, you have all pledged to obey any ma’ruf decision made by Khalifatul Masih. In reality, ma’ruf means and requires you to fulfil and act upon the commands of Allah the Almighty and the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa). It requires you to faithfully act upon all teachings of the Promised Messiah (as), which are a source of perpetual enlightenment for mankind, and it requires you to act upon the instructions and guidance that in this era, the Khalifa of the Time gives to the members of the Jama’at in light of the teachings of Allah the Almighty and the Holy Prophet (sa). In order to fulfil your duties, it is not sufficient to say that you pray that Allah grants you the ability to act upon His commands; rather, alongside prayers, you must make every possible effort and be ready for every sacrifice required along the way.

Another virtue that the Holy Qur’an commands is that you must discharge the trusts placed in you. It states that you should inculcate the spirit of sacrifice within yourself. It states that you should speak the truth. Whether intentionally or naively, people sometimes speak in half-truths or in a misleading manner. This is wrong and a sin. One must never speak in a way that deceives others to any extent. Thus, if the Lajna Tarbiyyat [moral training] Department makes a concerted effort to encourage Lajna and Nasirat about the immense value of truthfulness, it can spark a profound spiritual and moral transformation. In fact, I believe that if all Lajna members cultivate the habit of speaking and acting honestly, more than half the weaknesses and shortcomings that exist personally or collectively will be eradicated.

Further, the Holy Qur’an instructs that a person should never speak or act in a way that incites ill will and disorder in society, or fuels animosity and resentment amongst people. Then, Allah also commands that a believer must never engage in backbiting. Regrettably, speaking ill of others behind their backs is very common in society, and unfortunately, even some Ahmadis fall prey to this vice. Remember, Allah the Almighty states that if you speak about other people behind their backs, it is as if you are eating the flesh of your dead brother. How can anyone tolerate or desire to behave in such a way?

Another transgression that Allah the Almighty forbids is to mock or taunt people, as it inflicts pain and emotional distress in others and undermines the peace and cohesion of society. So, always ensure that you care for the feelings and emotions of others. Jealousy is another evil that Allah prohibits. Jealousy consumes a person from within like a raging fire that burns relentlessly. When left unchecked, this envy can escalate to the point where the individual actively seeks to harm others. Thus, every member of Lajna and older Nasirat must strive to free themselves from all those evils and wrongs that Allah has prohibited and instead adopt those virtues and good qualities required of a true believer.

Always remember that our mission is to create a pure and righteous society that will be a means of peace and security for the world and filled with love and compassion. As I said earlier, it all starts from one’s home. So, you must ensure your home lives are pure and filled with love. Thereafter, strive to ensure that your towns, cities, nations, and the wider world are filled with peace, love and harmony. And always consider it a great favour of Allah the Almighty that you are amongst those fortunate people who, in fulfilment of the promise of Allah the Almighty, are united at one hand under the shade of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya.

As I said earlier, you have made a pledge with Allah the Almighty that you will abide by any ma’ruf decision of the Khalifa of the Time. So, as members of Lajna Ima’illah, always strive to strengthen your relationship with Khilafat and act upon the instructions and decisions of Khalifatul Masih. Never permit any thought to enter your mind that is contrary to the instructions of Khilafat. Never exhibit any form of hypocrisy. Remaining firmly attached to Khilafat will, Insha’Allah, eternally ensure the unity and progress of our Jama’at. Likewise, it will pave the way for the spiritual improvement of each Ahmadi and open the door to the countless divine blessings of Allah the Almighty.

Let there be no doubt that when Allah’s blessings descend upon a person, it is akin to that pure rain that pours abundantly from the heavens, revitalising even the driest and most barren of land into a vibrant tapestry of lush green. And so, through Allah’s grace and beneficence, in this life, you will, Insha’Allah, attain true comfort and joy from your children and future generations as they give precedence to their faith over all worldly matters. Thereafter, in the next world, Allah the Almighty will surely manifest his grace and pleasure in ways that are beyond our comprehension.

With these words, I pray that may Allah the Almighty enable all of us to reform ourselves and to live our lives in accordance with the true teachings of Islam. May all Ahmadi women and girls light up the path leading to the grace and mercy of Allah the Almighty for their children and the rest of society to walk upon. And I pray that may all Ahmadi women and girls live up to the true objectives of Lajna Ima’illah; to live their lives as devoted and faithful servants of Allah the Almighty. May Allah the Almighty grant you all the ability to do so. Ameen.’

#Exemplars #Morality #Truth

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